import { Datex } from "datex-core-legacy"; import { resolveEntrypointRoute } from "../routing/rendering.ts"; import { Context } from "../routing/context.ts"; import { convertANSIToHTML } from "../utils/ansi-to-html.ts"; import { Path } from "datex-core-legacy/utils/path.ts"; import { getCallerFile } from "datex-core-legacy/utils/caller_metadata.ts"; import { setCookie, Cookie } from "../lib/cookie/cookie.ts"; import { ALLOWED_ENTRYPOINT_FILE_NAMES, app } from "../app/app.ts"; import { Entrypoint, RouteHandler, html_generator } from "./entrypoints.ts"; import { client_type } from "datex-core-legacy/utils/constants.ts"; import { HTTPStatus } from "../html/http-status.ts"; import { createErrorHTML } from "../html/errors.tsx"; import { HTTPError } from "../html/http-error.ts"; import { convertToWebPath } from "../app/convert-to-web-path.ts"; import { getJSONCompatibleSerializedValue } from "../utils/serialize-js.ts"; const fileServer = client_type === "deno" ? (await import("")) : null; type mime_type = `${'text'|'image'|'application'|'video'|'audio'}/${string}`; type json_mime_type = `application/${string}+json`; export function lazy<T extends html_generator>(generator: T): T { let result:Awaited<ReturnType<T>>|undefined; let loaded = false; return (async function(ctx: Context) { if (loaded) return result; else { result = await generator(ctx, ctx.params) as any; loaded = true; return result; } }) as any } // TODO: remove, deprecated /** * @deprecated, use lazy instead */ export const once = lazy /** * serve a value as raw content (DX, DXB, JSON format) * @param value any JS value (must be JSON compatible if JSON is used as the content type) * @param options optional options: * type: Datex.FILE_TYPE (DX, DXB, JSON) * formatted: boolean if true, the DX/JSON is formatted with newlines/spaces * mimeType: custom mime type if type is JSON * @returns blob containing DATEX/JSON encoded value */ export async function provideValue(value:unknown, options?:{type?:Datex.DATEX_FILE_TYPE, formatted?:boolean, mockPointers?:boolean, mimeType?: json_mime_type}) { if (options?.type == Datex.FILE_TYPE.DATEX_BINARY) { return provideContent(await Datex.Compiler.compile("?", [value]) as ArrayBuffer, options.type[0]) } else if (options?.type == Datex.FILE_TYPE.JSON) { if (options?.mockPointers) value = getJSONCompatibleSerializedValue(value); return provideContent(JSON.stringify(value??null, null, options?.formatted ? ' ' : undefined), options.mimeType ?? options.type[0]) } else { return provideContent(Datex.Runtime.valueToDatexStringExperimental(value, options?.formatted), (options?.type ?? Datex.FILE_TYPE.DATEX_SCRIPT)[0]) } } /** * serve a value as JSON * @param value any JSON compatible value * @param options optional options: * formatted: boolean if true, the DX/JSON is formatted with newlines/spaces * mimeType: custom mime type (e.g. "application/geo+json") * @returns blob containing DATEX/JSON encoded value */ export function provideJSON(value:unknown, options?:{formatted?:boolean, mimeType?: json_mime_type}) { return provideValue(value, {formatted: options?.formatted, type: Datex.FILE_TYPE.JSON, mimeType:options?.mimeType}) } /** * Show an interactive value view in the browser, including syntax highlighting * @param value */ export function provideValueDebugView(value: unknown) { const dxString = Datex.Runtime.valueToDatexStringExperimental(value, true, true, true, true); const html = `<html style="color: white;background: #111111;padding: 10px;line-height: 1.2rem;"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> body span { line-height: 1.2rem!important; } </style> </head> ${convertANSIToHTML(dxString)} </html>` return provideResponse(html, "text/html;charset=utf-8"); } // export function provideValueDebugView(value: unknown) { // const dxString = Datex.Runtime.valueToDatexStringExperimental(value); // const page = ` // <!DOCTYPE html> // <html lang="en"> // <head> // <meta charset="UTF-8"> // <meta name="viewport" content="viewport-fit=cover, width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"/> // <title>UXI Value Debug View</title> // <link rel="icon" href=""> // <script type="importmap"> // { // "imports": { // "unyt_core": "", // "uix": "", // "unyt_core/": "", // "uix/": "", // "uix_std/": "", // "unyt_tests/": "", // "unyt_web/": "", // "unyt_node/": "", // "unyt_cli/": "", // "supranet/": "", // "uix/jsx-runtime": "", // "backend/": "/@uix/src/backend/", // "common/": "/@uix/src/common/", // "frontend/": "/@uix/src/frontend/" // } // } // </script> // <script type="module"> // import { datex, Datex } from "datex-core-legacy"; // import { DatexValueTreeView } from "uix_std/datex/value_tree_view.ts" // import { dx_value_manager } from "uix_std/datex/resource_manager.ts"; // await Datex.Supranet.connect(); // const value = await datex \`${dxString}\`; // console.log("${dxString}", value); // const tree_view = new DatexValueTreeView({ // root_resource_path:(await dx_value_manager.getResourceForValue(value)).path, // header:false, // enable_drop:false, // display_root: true // }, {dynamic_size:false}); // document.body.append(tree_view) // </script> // </head> // </html> // ` // return provideResponse(page, "text/html"); // } export function provideResponse(content:ReadableStream | XMLHttpRequestBodyInit, type:mime_type, status = 200, cookies?:Cookie[], headers:Record<string, string> = {}, cors = false) { if (cors) Object.assign(headers, {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "*"}); Object.assign(headers, {"Content-Type": type}); const res = new Response(content, {headers, status}); if (cookies) { for (const cookie of cookies) setCookie!(res.headers, cookie); } return res; } /** * serve a string/ArrayBuffer with a specific mime type * @param content 'file' content * @param type mime type * @returns content blob */ export async function provideContent(content:string|ArrayBuffer, type:mime_type = "text/plain;charset=utf-8", status?:number) { const blob = new Blob([content], {type}); await Datex.Runtime.cacheValue(blob); return provideResponse(blob, type, status); } export class FileHandle { constructor(public path: Path) {} } /** * serve a file * @param path local file path * @returns content FSFile */ export function provideFile(path: string | URL) { const resolvedPath = new Path(path, getCallerFile()); return new FileHandle(resolvedPath); } /** * Just returns a URL, which is interpreted as redirect by the entrypoint resolver * @param path local file path or URL * @returns resolved URL */ export function provideRedirect(path:string|URL) { if (path instanceof URL) return path; else if (path.startsWith("/")) return Path.Route(path); else return new Path(path, getCallerFile()); } /** * Similar to provideRedirect/returning a URL, but no redirect on the client - the * content is just served for the current URL * uses the internal UIX server to resolve a url to a response * @param path local file path or URL * @returns redirect response */ export function provideVirtualRedirect(path:string|URL) { const resolvedPath = path instanceof URL ? path : new Path(path, getCallerFile()); const webPath = convertToWebPath(resolvedPath); return (ctx: Context) => { // a URL is required, the domain is not really relevant, but copied from request origin const origin = new URL(ctx.request?.url??'').origin // request headers also copied from request const request = new Request(new URL(origin + webPath), {headers:ctx.request?.headers}) return app.defaultServer!.getResponse(request) } } const matchURL = /\b((https?|file):\/\/[^\s]+(\:\d+)?(\:\d+)?\b)/g; /** * Creates an Error View * @param message error title * @param status http status code or error * @returns */ export function provideError(title: string, error?: Error|number|HTTPStatus<number,string>|string) { const [statusCode, html] = createErrorHTML(title, error); return new HTTPStatus(statusCode, html) } // /** // * @deprecated return/throw a new HTTPError or an Error instead // * serve an errror with a status code and message // * @param message error message // * @param status http status code // * @returns content blob // */ // export function provideError(message: string, status:number|HTTPStatus = 500) { // status = typeof status == "number" ? status : status.code; // const content = indent ` // <html> // <head> // <meta charset="UTF-8"> // <meta name="viewport" content="viewport-fit=cover, width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"/> // </head> // <body> // <div style=" // width: 100%; // height: 100%; // display: flex; // justify-content: center; // align-items: center; // font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; // font-size: 1.5em; // color: var(--text_highlight);"> // <div style="text-align:center; word-break: break-word;"> // <h2 style="margin-bottom:0; background: #ea2b51; -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;">Error ${status}</h2> // <div>${message}</div> // </div> // </div> // </body> // </html> // `; // return provideContent(content, "text/html", status); // } /** * Provide static files, backend only */ export class FileProvider implements RouteHandler { #path: Path get path() {return this.#path} constructor(path:Path.representation, public resolveIndexHTML = true, public allowHTMLWithoutExtension = true) { this.#path = new Path(path, getCallerFile()); if (this.#path.fs_is_dir) this.#path = this.#path.asDir() } getRoute(route:Path.route_representation|string, context: Context) { if (!context.request) return provideError("Cannot serve file"); let path = this.#path.getChildPath(route); // dir path -> index.html if (path.fs_is_dir && this.resolveIndexHTML) { path = path.getChildPath("index.html"); } // file not found if (!path.fs_exists) { // .html? if (this.allowHTMLWithoutExtension && path.getWithFileExtension("html").fs_exists) { path = path.getWithFileExtension("html"); } else return new HTTPError(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) } return fileServer!.serveFile(context.request, path.normal_pathname); } } export const KEEP_CONTENT = Symbol("KEEP_CONTENT") export class PageProvider implements RouteHandler { path!: Path useDirective?: string /** * * @param path * @param useDirective optional use directive required for a entrypoint to be loaded (e.g. "use backend") * If a use directive is present in an entrypoint file, but not useDirective value is set, the entrypoint is not loaded. */ constructor(path:Path.representation, useDirective?: string) { this.useDirective = useDirective; this.path = new Path(path, getCallerFile()); if (this.path.fs_is_dir) this.path = this.path.asDir() } getRoute(route: Path.route_representation, context: Context): Entrypoint|Promise<Entrypoint> { if (!this.path) return KEEP_CONTENT // loaded a PageProvider from backend, path not known, cannot resolve (TODO) return this.#findValidEntrypoint( this.path.getChildPath(route).asDir(), ALLOWED_ENTRYPOINT_FILE_NAMES ) } async #findValidEntrypoint(parentDir: Path, names: string[], redirectRoute:string[] = []): Promise<Entrypoint|null> { for (const name of names) { try { const url = parentDir.getChildPath(name); // make sure use directive matches // browser: fetch file only if useDirective is present in file, otherwise not found is returned if (client_type == "browser") url.searchParams.append("useDirective", this.useDirective??"") // deno: read file and check if use directive matches, otherwise return null else { if (await url.fsExists() && !await PageProvider.useDirectiveMatchesForFile(url, this.useDirective)) { // console.log("use directive '" + (this.useDirective??'') + "' does not match for " + url) return null; } } // make sure another directive const entrypoint = (await datex.get<any>(url))!.default as Entrypoint; // resolve route for entrypoint if (redirectRoute.length) { // TODO: #14 const { content } = await resolveEntrypointRoute({entrypoint, route: Path.Route(redirectRoute)}); return content as Entrypoint; } // return entrypoint directly return entrypoint; } catch (e){ // Error 406, because the use directive of the file does not match // -> don't go up further in the file tree, just stop here and return null content // TODO: better way? if (e.message.endsWith("(406)")) return null; // Any other unexpected error besides 404/not found, throw error if (!e.message.endsWith("(404)") && !e.message.includes("No such file or directory")) throw e; } } // no entrypoint in directory, find entrypoint in parent directory if (parentDir.parent_dir.toString() !== parentDir.toString()) { redirectRoute.unshift(; return this.#findValidEntrypoint(parentDir.parent_dir, names, redirectRoute) } } static async useDirectiveMatchesForFile(path: Path, directive?:string) { const file = (await Deno.readTextFile(path.normal_pathname)).trimStart(); if (directive) { // does not have the required use directive if (!file.startsWith(`"use ${directive}"`)) return false; } else { // has a use directive, although know use directive should be present if (file.match(/^"use [\w-]+"/)) return false; } return true; } }